Just a little over 4 months ago we announced our first ever contest. Now it’s time to not only see the results of your hard work, but you also get a chance to affect the future contests!

In total we received a whopping 55 submission from 15 different artists. We selected the top 5 to be included in the game.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in the contest for their hard work, and to say we were very impressed by the results! For that reason instead of jumping directly to the winners, we are going to show all of the submissions we received. We hope you take the time to look at each of them!

The list is sorted alphabetically by artists’ names.


Colin Wolfe


Dorian Boatz

Fox Norbu

Geddy Fernandez

James Hanvey

Jayden ‘Noxthepony’ Jeffery

Kenny Picard


Luigi the Newsupa


Thomas Bemment

Tristan Inman

Wack Jack

And next, the moment you have been waiting for. As a reminder, all of the winner designs will be included in the final product, and the artists will be credited under “Community Contributor”. Starting from the fifth place, here are the winners of the first ever contest by The Overmare Studios!

5th - Kl1cker

4th - Redquoza

3rd - Luigi the Newsupa

2nd - Thomas Bemment

1st - ChiraChan

Congratulations to all of the winners, and once again a big thank you to all of the participants! We hope to see more from all of you in the future as well.

Speaking of the future, given our first contest was such a success, we are hoping to make them a recurring event. As such we would like to hear your, our fans’, opinions regarding the future contests.

What type of contest would you like to see us hosting? More art related contest, background story writing, quest design, or something completely different?

What kind of rewards would you like to see?

What would make you take part in one of our contests?

Any additional suggestions to make the contests as interesting and satisfying as they possibly can be?

Leave a comment on this page, or take part in the related thread on our forums. We look forward to reading your feedback!