We at Overmare Studios team are formed from all over the globe, bringing our skill and dedication to bring Fallout: Equestria to life.

- Programming - Ansis Māliņš
- 2D/3D Lead - J38UK
- Design - ErwinB91
- QA Lead - Lightning
- Script Lead - CoreProgramsx86, Phoenix, Saberooonie
- Audio Lead - Ansis Māliņš
- Music Lead / The Wasteland Wailers - A.J.

- Ansis Māliņš [Team Lead]
- Arstarkir
- Dragons
- Emn
- Jimm
- Sasarez
- Stormious

- J38UK [Team Lead]
- DuskFlare
- Nemo
- Sigil

- J38UK [Team Lead]
- Chaotic
- Didicody
- Film-Shot
- FoxMayhem
- MeowRaa
- ODSThunderlane
- RocketHorse
- Stickman

- ErwinB91 [Team Lead]
- Averdance
- Bobthetimetraveler
- Lord Zarcon
- Skullbuster

- Lightning [Team Lead]
- ErwinB91 [TL Assistant]
- Dontstopme
- MrDragonmaker
- Watsituna
- Little Pep
- Nikita Tea
- Socks!
- Nagi
- Redness
- Socks!

- CoreProgramsx86
- Phoenix
- Saberooonie

- Ansis Māliņš [Team Lead]
- Aivri
- Altarya Luna
- Luka Mint
- Matackable

- Crabby
- Fauna Joy
- Forrest McGilvay
- Kriz
- MizaRadioktiv
- StormyD

- A.J. [Team Lead]
- Aivri
- BlimeyCat
- James G
- MikeFiddle

We want to thank these members who helped us in developing Ashes and/or continue to help us in variety of ways.
- A.J.
- Chira
- Dolkar
- DragMaister
- Ebu
- Hamish
- Haymaker
- Kazumi
- Kelly
- mpbagot
- Nahka
- Sysanet
- ThisHomeBoy24
- Wysteria
- AviatorGriffon
- Hunternif
- Ignis
- Sigil
- CrimmHarmony
- Keena
- KozachokZRotom
- Ignis
- Fadlan
- Regina
- Tom117z
- E-Blitz
- BlackWolf
- Cogpuncher
- Darian Stephens
- Darjeeling
- Ed - Trimonix
- Pitch Pine
- Redge
- Renny Reinwood
- V
- Zeth
- 0xyr0
- Fauna Joy
- DarkSunrise
- Cloud
- Alex (Laeraine)
- Sheol
- LittlePoisonella
- Alex (Alexpessanha)
- AviatorGriffon
- Zikah
- Mix-up
- Hunternif
- Aurora
- Daniel
- Outlander
- Virrop
- Syrvaal
- Cog
- Nikita Tea
- Siritch
- SolOS
- Stubenhocker
- tom117z
- Verath, A Cup of ♡!
- _dragonsl