So as the title implies, we’re back, and what an experience. Although this may not have been our first time attending a convention, this was the first hosting a booth and demo.That's not to say GalaCon and Czequestria weren’t awesome too, and we will be sure to tell you guys all about it in our next post. For now however we would like to just give a quick update on a few things.

First bit is the podcast we promised way too long ago, and what happened to it. In the last few days before the cons we did record it, and were almost ready to post it, but preparation for the trip to BronyCon ended up getting in the way and we were not able to finish it in time. The good news is if you were interested in seeing if we answered your question, or just want to listen to our sultry voices, you can get a link to it below.

Next bit of info is what many of you are probably waiting for info on. The demo. We are hard work fine-tuning it and are happy to tell all the people that signed up for what we call the Wave 2 demo that it will be released two weeks from now in our next blog post. However, those of you that did not sign up for the Wave 2 demo will have to wait a while longer to play the game. The good news is we do plan to release it before the end of the year, but when that will be is still yet to be determined.

Finally, we plan on doing a full post on our experiences at the cons next week. It will most likely be as a podcast, so if you have any questions for us, be sure to drop them over on our forums.

As a reminder, our first ever quest contest is still going! The deadline for submissions is 30th of September 2015, so there is still plenty of time to participate. Even if you have already sent us your quest, remember that you are allowed unlimited number of submissions. We have already received a nice amount of quests, and we can't wait to see more of them.