Concepts That Didn’t Quite Make the Cut

During the past couple years we have had multiple blog posts where we have shown off our concepts for various things. However, so far we have only shown concepts that we have accepted and considered finished at the time. As such, we wanted to try and mix things up a little by for the first time show some of our rejected concepts, and offering a little insight in the process.

There are many reasons why a concept might not get accepted, and most of the time the actual quality of the concept has nothing to do with it. Quite the contrary, many are very nice pieces of artwork. The most common reasons for concepts getting rejected in our team are impractical functionality, having unfitting style, or being unfitting to the universe of Fallout: Equestria.

Below you will find a selection of concepts that were not approved in the end for one reason or another. While they will not appear in the game either in their current form or at all, we hope you will take the time to appreciate the effort our splendid 2D artists have to put into their work while pitching their concepts for our game.

As a reminder, our first ever quest contest is still going! The deadline for submissions is 30th of September 2015, so there is still plenty of time to participate. Even if you have already sent us your quest, remember that you are allowed unlimited number of submissions. We have already received a nice amount of quests, and we can't wait to see more of them.